Tuesday 25 August 2020

Why Jacinda ardern is a hero


  1. Hi Patrick,
    Thank you for sharing your work on your blog. Like you I really like Jacinda Ardern as well.

  2. Kia ora Patrick its Lie from RM2 you did a great job doing your work and this is inspring. I know why Jacinda Arden is a hero. It looks like your going to be a hero.
    Have a good day!

  3. Hello Patrick,
    Good job on sharing your work on your blog. But make sure when its a name or last name there a capital letter on the first letter of her name. But I like why you said it specifically, well done.
    My advice is to make sure all of your "i's" are capital I because you always do a capital I when you're just saying I in general. Before posting on your blog you should check if everything make sense and that you proofread. But overall your work was fantastic.
    -Ema From Room Eleven


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