Monday 23 November 2020

Text Analysis

 we are learning to analyse and look at how authors create mood and atmosphere by using language features here is a screencast I created with Neha of our analysis of the text

Zoo Recount

today we a writing about our Recount

Friday 13 November 2020

recount on DIY Camp

 On Tuesday 2020 we had school camp it was so fun the first thing we did was we make teepees we had bamboo sticks and pegs the first thing you have to do is get the pegs and a rope put the rope the pegs and keep stepping to the other side and put the pegs then get big sign board and put it on top of the bamboo and then if you need a mat you should put it inside


After that we had to go we played volleyball and then we had to eat we had banana and oranges and some nut bars then we had to do some weaving and harakeke it was so fun I made nothing but I did not care then we had down time it was so not cool we got in trouble because we were so loud then after down time we played just for 1 min then we were making fire I was not there because I had to go get my stuffy and the we played and then dinner was ready we had chicken curry and rice it was so nice after all of us we played more and more until we had to make lanterns Camp2020.

The first thing you need to do is get a empty bottle then cut little diamond then get a little flaxs and put them inside the hole then you get the lid and put it threw the candle and the make sure you get some fire and put it in the bottle and then we had lanterns we had to find some paper then if you find all of it you would win we lost but I did not care but then he told us a story and then we sing then we went to bed camp2020. 

I woke up at 6:00 then we all went to the hall and played there it was so fun then all of us were playing outside then we all were in the hall then we went to room 2 plants and dig  after we had to empty our teepees then we all had doughnuts then we made ropes and after all of that we had burgers camp2020. 

Tuesday 20 October 2020

The Halloween house

Characters Fua Patrick Ila jack andy and a killer

Where In spooky house

When 2020

What Halloween

The Halloween house


In 2020 31 of October me and my friends were going trick or treating. Their names were Fua Patrick and Ila. We were going home because we went to many houses but then we saw a house. We have never seen in our lives Ila told us we should go in the house for candy we all agreed. when we got there it was so dark I knock on the door but none came so I was going until I heard a scream

We went inside because there was someone there when we got inside it looked so big but from the outside it was little we looked and looked but there was none then we were about to give up but the there was a man he was running to us I did not move but then Fua pull me we got to the basement and then there was a girl and a boy trapped I ask what there names where they said that their names were jack and andy we got them out then we ran outside but when we were at the door it was the same man. he had a gun this time and shot the girl and boy I was so angry I kick him and then I shot him but he did not died then he got the gun and shot all of us news report there were 3 kids shot dead in a house none knows who it is but be carefully he is still on loose.


Wednesday 3 June 2020

We are learning to introduce ourselves through a blog profile

We are learning to introduce ourselves through a blog profile I got a question for you have you ever wanted to introduce you on your blog profile